Precision Oil Laboratories

A passion for Oil

Natural Oil Testing

Results You Can Trust, Expertise You Can Rely On

We strive to create a “one stop shop”

Our objective at Precision Oil, is to provide a comprehensive analytical and advisory service to the fats and oils industry. We strive to create a “one stop shop” where a client can engage in a conversation about his or her product, leave the conversation knowing which analyses need to be conducted and receive a Certificate of Analysis applicable to the specific sample. Interpretation of the results is available and we want our client to feel that they know more about their product after their experience with our laboratory.

Thank you to everyone that took the time to complete our customer satisfaction survey.
1st prize to Natural and Organic Formulations. 2nd prize to Food and Allergy Testing and Consulting Services. 3rd to African Sun Oil Refineries
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Our Accreditation's & Memberships

Precision Oils has been SANAS (South African National Accreditation Service) accredited since February 2018 and take part in the Proficiency Testing Scheme of the American Oil Chemists’ Society as well as the German Society for Fat Science.

Proficiency Schemes

tailored testing and actionable results.

Partner with us today and gain a deeper understanding of your products with confidence. Contact us now!
